Emerson Child

Emerson would want us to learn the way that we'd choose to pursue our goals. He wouldn't want us to do anything specific, just find a way to do it and stick to it. Emerson said "What I must do is all concerned to me, not what the people think" this is basically what he'd want us to do, not give a fuck what others think of your way. He'd believe us and be proud of us for being us and not what others want us to me.
   I think Emerson would support us in achieve anything we desire to. He wouldn't look down or think he's better than others for something we want to accomplish. I think he would only jump in and try to change things if we gave up on our goals. "Treat others how you want to be treated", that's how he would feel about us giving up. He knows someone would do the same if he were in that position. Emerson is like one of those cool ass teachers that like to fuck around but get serious when needed to.
   After school, he would want us to do whatever we'd like. "Do not think the youth has no force" since we're the youth, he knows we have to power to do anything we could dream of. To follow our dreams is what he would wish for. For example, the election. Trump won, he chose to run for president and won it. Emerson would support him because he didn't care what others said or think about him and he still accomplish his goal. Emerson would want us to trust ourselves and do whatever we think is right. To speak our minds and not listen to people thinking otherwise. If we payed attention and only followed, we wouldn't be ourselves.
   To prepare for all this he would tell us to study. Study everything that our career may need from the start to the end. He wouldn't just want us to go into something and have no knowledge about the subject. Like say I wanted to be a music producer, I'm not just going to try going to a univerty or college and known nothing about the subject. He'd want us to expirment with the subject and get used to it. It's like trying to go star in a big movie and know nothing about acting, you can't just jump into something, you have to learn.
   "To be great is to be misunderstood", people will always question your actions, but you will always know why you did what you did. No one's opinion should matter, if you're happy with what you do then embrace it. If all we did was worry about what others have to think or say, then we'd be nothing more than weak minded beings. Emerson would want us to be us and follow what we yearn for.


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